Each of the three cities has a Drug Delivery Mission checkpoint. You must be an innocent civilian to attempt a drug delivery mission. To complete it, you will have to deliver drugs to 5 randomly selected locations, in any order, without running out of time. You can only use land vehicles during the mission.

Drug Delivery

The five delivery locations are listed when you begin the mission and each time you reach a destination. Press the Sub-Mission Key or type /mission at any time during a drug delivery to get the list of delivery locations.

Drug Delivery

Type /cancel at any time during a drug delivery to cancel the current mission.

Drug Delivery Mission Locations

Drug Delivery - Los Santos Las Colinas

Drug Delivery - Los Santos Las Colinas

Online Map Location

Drug Delivery - San Fierro Calton Heights

Drug Delivery - San Fierro Calton Heights

Online Map Location

Drug Delivery - Las Venturas LVA Freight Depot

Drug Delivery - Las Venturas LVA Freight Depot

Online Map Location