Fishing is one of the best ways to earn your money! It's a great way to socialize with other players and be lazy at the same time. Along with every other job, there are obstacles that will get in your way, so watch out for the dangerous creatures when you fish.


Just like the money rush and the bonus vehicle, there is also a bonus fish that you can catch. The Bonus fish is announced each game day and the first one to catch it gets a large amount of cash.


Holding a Fishing Rod will reduce your fishing time and increase your chance of catching a fish. You can purchase Fishing Rods from any Bait Shop throughout San Andreas.
Any Fishing Rods you own will be removed when you are sent to jail, if you do not have a valid fishing permit.

Fishing Tournaments

Fishing Tournaments are fishing events that can randomly occur once every couple days, starting from 4:00 and ending on 20:00. The winner of the tournament gets a nice award - which is effected by the amount of participants. Prerequisites for joining is little to none, you just need to be fishing.

There are quite a few different types of tournaments, which can include catching the biggest fish, catching the most of a specific type, catching the most fish in general and so on.

Fishing Commands:

  • /fish - Begins fishing while on a boat.
  • /fishmsg (msg) (/fm) - Sends a message to all other fishermen (while fishing on a boat).
  • /fishhelp (/fhelp) - Displays a list of fishing commands and their usage
  • /fishsell [nick/id] - To offer fish to another player, once you have a fish sales permit
  • /fishsellall (/fsellall, /fsell) - To sell all your fish or a certain fish at a 24/7 or bait shop
  • /fishbuy (/fb) - To purchase fish from another player.
  • /fishthrow (/tb, /throwfish) - Throws the last fish you caught back into the water
  • /fishrelease [fish] (/fishrel, /frel) - Throws one of the fish you are carrying away (Menu)
  • /fishinventory (/finv, /fishinv) - Displays a list of the fish you are currently carrying
  • /cooler - Discard your fish cooler. You will lose any fish that you cannot carry
  • /fishprices - To set your fish prices, once you have a fish sales permit
  • /fisheat [fish] (/feat, /fe) - Eat one of your fish to refill your health (Menu)
  • /fishslap [nick/id] [fish] (/fslap, /fs) - Slaps another player with one of the fish you are carrying (randomly selected)
  • /fishtour - Displays information about the current ongoing Fishing Tournament.
  • /fishrecords (/fishrec, /frec) - Displays Fishing Records for the current city
  • /fishinfo (/finfo, /fi) - Displays your Fishing information, including permit information, fish caught and record fish
  • /rod (/pole) - Quick command to take out or put away your Fishing Rod